Saturday, August 29, 2009

17 years....

and counting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is mine and Tom's 17th wedding anniversary...I say wedding anniversary because we celebrate 2 different anniversaries, one in February and the other in August(February was our first date which was going to be our wedding anniversary also but circumstances changed it...another story for another time), but I digress...

we took off for the weekend and are enjoying every moment of it. The initial plans were changed but that does not matter, we are together and that is all that matters.

Tom got me beautiful heart necklace and took me out for a great steak dinner.I did not think it was possible to love someone more every year but I do...we always heard that we would not make it but look at us now...17 years later we are still together and going strong.

*Thank you God for allow me to find my soul mate and having my whole life to spend with him*

Monday, August 24, 2009

A new chapter...

tomorrow is the beginning of lot of changes.

School starts back and it will be Kirsti's first day of her last year of high school, Ashlee's first day of high school and Britney's first day of middle school. Needless to say I am a little nervous...not sure why but this year seems different.

I will post some pictures of the first day tomorrow. I have a lot of things rolling around in my head so it may take me a while to digest it, I will try to post some of my thoughts as well.

All I know is that this is going to be a big year...I can feel it.

Monday, August 10, 2009

I you..

We sang a song in church on Sunday titled "I know who I am"and I have been thinking about that ever since.

The words are: I know who I am I know who I am I know who I am and I am your and you are mine...Jesus you are mine.

How many times have we sang or heard this song, I know I have sang it alot but it never sank in.....I am God's and He is mine!!!!!!!!!! When you stop to think about that how awesome is that. He, God, knows me by name and not only that but He know every hair on my head. The King of Kings knows my name and He loves me and cares about me, when I hurt He hurts. Whatever matters to me matters to Him. And you know what I don't deserve it...none of us do but He loves us anyways.

Why do I walk around so fearful at times when God knows who I am, He loves me and would lay His life down for me in fact He already did,knowing all the times I was going to mess things up or walk away from Him He still CHOOSE to die for ME!!! that is real, true love!!!!!!!!

I know who I you know who you are???????????

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Food for thought.....

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. Psalm 20:7

I know not many of us have chariots today but what are you putting your TRUST in?

It can be hard to trust in what we can not see but we have to, that is what faith is all about. Even when it feels like the world is closing in on you, you have to look up for the help you many times we look around and try to figure out how WE can fix it or how WE can make something happen....when we really just need to stop and let God be God!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sometimes we need to just stop...

Have you ever just stopped and thought about how much Jesus really loves you?

On the way to work this morning they played this song on the radio, I have heard it soooo many times before but I guess I never really heard it until today. And it occurred
to me that maybe someone else needed to hear this today so here it is...just sit back and really listen to the words, I hope it speaks to you as much as it did me...